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miǎn 丏 (mian3) - 字面含义:遮蔽。- 英语含义:to screen, to cover
miàn 面 (mian4) - 字面含义:脸面,表面,方面,面对。- 英语含义:face, surface, side, aspect, to face
miàn 麵 (面) (mian4) - 字面含义:面粉,面条,食物。 - 英语含义:flour, noodles, food (Note: 麵 is traditional, 面 is simplified in GB2312 context, both represent the same meaning here for older texts understanding.)
绵胃 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵胃 (不可能直接指胃,可能指像丝绵一样柔软的胃,或者形容胃部的不适感) - 英语含义:floss silk stomach (unlikely literal, perhaps refers to a stomach as soft as floss silk or stomach discomfort feeling like soft material)
绵尉 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵尉 (古代官名与丝绵的组合,可能指某种官职或人的代称,修饰其柔软的特征) - 英语含义:floss silk commandant (combination of ancient title and cotton, possibly a title or personification with soft quality)
棉胃 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花胃 (不可能直接指胃,可能指像棉花一样质地的胃,或是因棉花引起的胃部问题) - 英语含义:cotton stomach (unlikely literal, could refer to a stomach with cotton-like texture or cotton-related stomach problem)
棉尉 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花尉 (古代官名与棉花的组合,可能指某种官职或人的代称,修饰其棉花的特征) - 英语含义:cotton commandant (combination of ancient title and cotton, perhaps title/person with cotton-like attribute)