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拼音 mian 的汉字

  1. mián 绵 (mian2) - 字面含义:丝棉,像丝棉一样柔软。- 英语含义:cotton, floss silk, soft
  2. mián 棉 (mian2) - 字面含义:棉花,草本植物,种子上有纤维。- 英语含义:cotton
  3. mián 眠 (mian2) - 字面含义:睡眠,睡觉。- 英语含义:sleep, slumber
  4. miǎn 免 (mian3) - 字面含义:免除,避免,不被强制。- 英语含义:excuse, exempt, avoid, prevent
  5. miǎn 勉 (mian3) - 字面含义:勉励,努力,尽力。- 英语含义:encourage, exert oneself, strive
  6. miǎn 缅 (mian3) - 字面含义:缅怀,追忆,遥远。- 英语含义:recall, remember, distant
  7. miǎn 丏 (mian3) - 字面含义:遮蔽。- 英语含义:to screen, to cover
  8. miàn 面 (mian4) - 字面含义:脸面,表面,方面,面对。- 英语含义:face, surface, side, aspect, to face
  9. miàn 麵 (面) (mian4) - 字面含义:面粉,面条,食物。 - 英语含义:flour, noodles, food (Note: 麵 is traditional, 面 is simplified in GB2312 context, both represent the same meaning here for older texts understanding.)

拼音 wei 的汉字

  1. wēi 危 (wei1) - 字面含义:危险,不安,损害。- 英语含义:danger, perilous, endanger
  2. wēi 威 (wei1) - 字面含义:威力,威严,使人敬畏的力量。- 英语含义:power, might, awe-inspiring, prestige
  3. wēi 微 (wei1) - 字面含义:细小,轻微,稍稍。- 英语含义:tiny, minute, slight, micro, faint
  4. wéi 为 (wéi) - 字面含义:作为,成为,变成,被。- 英语含义:to act as, to become, to turn into, to be (passive particle)
  5. wéi 维 (wéi) - 字面含义:维护,保持,连接。- 英语含义:maintain, preserve, connect, tie, dimension
  6. wéi 违 (wéi) - 字面含义:违背,违反,不遵从。- 英语含义:violate, disobey, go against
  7. wéi 围 (wéi) - 字面含义:包围,环绕,周围。- 英语含义:surround, encircle, perimeter, around
  8. wéi 唯 (wéi) - 字面含义: только (Russian), 只是,仅仅。- 英语含义:only, alone, but, however (Classical Chinese)
  9. wèi 位 (wèi) - 字面含义:位置,地位,座位,敬辞用于人。- 英语含义:position, place, location, seat, honored person (polite classifier)
  10. wèi 未 (wèi) - 字面含义:未曾,没有,不,将来。- 英语含义:not yet, have not, not, future, in the future
  11. wèi 味 (wèi) - 字面含义:味道,滋味,品味,气味。- 英语含义:taste, flavor, savor, smell
  12. wèi 卫 (wèi) - 字面含义:保卫,守卫,保护。- 英语含义:defend, guard, protect
  13. wèi 谓 (wèi) - 字面含义:叫做,称作,说。- 英语含义:call, say, name, be called
  14. wèi 喂 (wèi) - 字面含义:喂养,饲养,招呼声。- 英语含义:feed, raise, hey (greeting sound)
  15. wèi 畏 (wèi) - 字面含义:畏惧,害怕,敬畏。- 英语含义:fear, dread, awe, reverence
  16. wèi 胃 (wèi) - 字面含义:胃脏,消化器官。- 英语含义:stomach
  17. wèi 尉 (wèi) - 字面含义:古代军事职称。- 英语含义:military officer (ancient title)
  18. wèi 蔚 (wèi) - 字面含义:茂盛,文采。- 英语含义:luxuriant, flourishing, ornate, cultivated

拼音 mian 和 wei 汉字的笛卡尔积组合词汇

  1. 绵危 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:像丝绵一样的危险 - 英语含义:danger like floss silk, peril as soft as cotton
  2. 绵威 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:丝绵的威严 - 英语含义:prestige of floss silk, cotton-like might
  3. 绵微 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:细小的丝绵 - 英语含义:tiny floss silk, minute cotton
  4. 绵为 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:作为丝绵,以丝绵为 - 英语含义:to be as floss silk, to use floss silk as
  5. 绵维 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:丝绵的维护 - 英语含义:maintenance of floss silk, cotton preservation
  6. 绵违 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:丝绵的违背 - 英语含义:violation of floss silk, disobedience to cotton nature
  7. 绵围 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:丝绵包围 - 英语含义:floss silk surrounds, cotton encircles
  8. 绵唯 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:只有丝绵,仅仅是丝绵 - 英语含义:only floss silk, just cotton
  9. 绵位 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵的位置 - 英语含义:location of floss silk, cotton's place
  10. 绵未 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵还未 - 英语含义:floss silk not yet, cotton hasn't
  11. 绵味 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵的味道 - 英语含义:taste of floss silk, cotton flavor
  12. 绵卫 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵的保卫 - 英语含义:defense of floss silk, cotton guard
  13. 绵谓 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:称作丝绵 - 英语含义:called floss silk, named cotton
  14. 绵喂 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:喂养丝绵 - 英语含义:to feed floss silk (unusual, possibly referring to nurturing delicate material)
  15. 绵畏 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:害怕丝绵 - 英语含义:fear floss silk, dread cotton
  16. 绵胃 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵胃 (不可能直接指胃,可能指像丝绵一样柔软的胃,或者形容胃部的不适感) - 英语含义:floss silk stomach (unlikely literal, perhaps refers to a stomach as soft as floss silk or stomach discomfort feeling like soft material)
  17. 绵尉 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵尉 (古代官名与丝绵的组合,可能指某种官职或人的代称,修饰其柔软的特征) - 英语含义:floss silk commandant (combination of ancient title and cotton, possibly a title or personification with soft quality)
  18. 绵蔚 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:丝绵茂盛 - 英语含义:floss silk flourishing, luxuriant cotton
  19. 棉危 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:棉花危险 - 英语含义:cotton danger, cotton in peril
  20. 棉威 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:棉花的威严 - 英语含义:power of cotton, cotton prestige
  21. 棉微 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:细小的棉花 - 英语含义:tiny cotton, minute cotton
  22. 棉为 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:作为棉花,以棉花为 - 英语含义:to be as cotton, to use cotton as
  23. 棉维 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:棉花的维护 - 英语含义:maintenance of cotton, cotton preservation
  24. 棉违 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:棉花的违背 - 英语含义:violation of cotton (nature/rule), disobedience related to cotton
  25. 棉围 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:棉花包围 - 英语含义:cotton surrounds, cotton encircles
  26. 棉唯 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:只有棉花,仅仅是棉花 - 英语含义:only cotton, just cotton
  27. 棉位 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花的位置 - 英语含义:location of cotton, cotton's place
  28. 棉未 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花还未 - 英语含义:cotton not yet, cotton hasn't
  29. 棉味 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花的味道 - 英语含义:taste of cotton, cotton flavor
  30. 棉卫 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花的保卫 - 英语含义:defense of cotton, cotton guard
  31. 棉谓 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:称作棉花 - 英语含义:called cotton, named cotton
  32. 棉喂 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:喂养棉花 - 英语含义:to feed cotton (unusual, maybe about providing nourishment for growth)
  33. 棉畏 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:害怕棉花 - 英语含义:fear cotton, dread cotton
  34. 棉胃 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花胃 (不可能直接指胃,可能指像棉花一样质地的胃,或是因棉花引起的胃部问题) - 英语含义:cotton stomach (unlikely literal, could refer to a stomach with cotton-like texture or cotton-related stomach problem)
  35. 棉尉 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花尉 (古代官名与棉花的组合,可能指某种官职或人的代称,修饰其棉花的特征) - 英语含义:cotton commandant (combination of ancient title and cotton, perhaps title/person with cotton-like attribute)
  36. 棉蔚 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:棉花茂盛 - 英语含义:cotton flourishing, luxuriant cotton
  37. 眠危 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:睡眠中的危险 - 英语含义:danger in sleep, peril while sleeping
  38. 眠威 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:睡眠的威严 - 英语含义:majesty of sleep, awe of slumber
  39. 眠微 (mián wēi) - 字面含义:轻微的睡眠 - 英语含义:slight sleep, shallow slumber
  40. 眠为 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:为了睡眠 - 英语含义:for the sake of sleep, to be for sleeping
  41. 眠维 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:维持睡眠 - 英语含义:maintain sleep, sustain slumber
  42. 眠违 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:违背睡眠 - 英语含义:go against sleep, disrupt slumber
  43. 眠围 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:睡眠包围 - 英语含义:sleep surrounds, slumber encircles (metaphorical – enveloped by sleep)
  44. 眠唯 (mián wéi) - 字面含义:仅仅睡眠 - 英语含义:only sleep, just slumber
  45. 眠位 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:睡眠的位置 - 英语含义:position of sleep, place for slumber
  46. 眠未 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:尚未睡眠 - 英语含义:not yet slept, haven't slumbered
  47. 眠味 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:睡眠的味道 - 英语含义:taste of sleep, flavor of slumber (metaphorical – quality/feeling of sleep)
  48. 眠卫 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:保卫睡眠 - 英语含义:guard sleep, protect slumber
  49. 眠谓 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:称作睡眠 - 英语含义:called sleep, named slumber
  50. 眠喂 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:喂养睡眠 (不太合理,可能是比喻滋养睡眠) - 英语含义:feed sleep (unlikely literal, perhaps metaphorically nourish/induce sleep)
  51. 眠畏 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:畏惧睡眠 - 英语含义:fear sleep, dread slumber (possibly fearing unconsciousness)
  52. 眠胃 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:睡眠胃 (指睡眠状态下的胃,或者睡眠对胃的影响) - 英语含义:sleep stomach (stomach during sleep or effect of sleep on stomach)
  53. 眠尉 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:睡眠尉 (不太可能指官职,可能是某种睡眠状态的比喻) - 英语含义:sleep commandant (unlikely literal title, perhaps metaphor for sleep state)
  54. 眠蔚 (mián wèi) - 字面含义:睡眠茂盛 - 英语含义:sleep flourishing, luxuriant slumber (metaphorical, maybe abundant sleep or good sleep)
  55. 免危 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:免除危险 - 英语含义:avoid danger, avert peril
  56. 免威 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:免除威严 - 英语含义:relieve from authority, free from pressure
  57. 免微 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:免除细微 - 英语含义:excuse from trivialities, exempt from minor matters
  58. 免为 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:免于成为 - 英语含义:exempt from becoming, prevent from turning into
  59. 免维 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:免于维护 - 英语含义:excused from maintaining, no need to upkeep
  60. 免违 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:免于违背 - 英语含义:prevent from violating, avoid disobeying
  61. 免围 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:免于包围 - 英语含义:exempt from encirclement, free from being surrounded
  62. 免唯 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:并非只有免除 - 英语含义:not only to exempt, not solely avoidance
  63. 免位 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免除职位 - 英语含义:relieve from position, step down from post
  64. 免未 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:并非没有免除 - 英语含义:it's not that there is no exemption, there is provision for avoidance
  65. 免味 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免除味道 - 英语含义:eliminate taste, devoid of flavor
  66. 免卫 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免除守卫 - 英语含义:remove guard, dismiss sentry
  67. 免谓 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:不必称为免除 - 英语含义:no need to call it exemption, doesn't necessarily have to be termed 'avoidance'
  68. 免喂 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免除喂养 - 英语含义:exempt from feeding, not requiring nourishment
  69. 免畏 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免于畏惧 - 英语含义:free from fear, unafraid
  70. 免胃 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免于胃部问题 (例如,免于胃痛) - 英语含义:free from stomach issues (e.g., free from stomach pain)
  71. 免尉 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免除尉官的职务 - 英语含义:relieved from duty as a commandant, excused from officer position
  72. 免蔚 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:免于茂盛 - 英语含义:prevent from flourishing (unlikely in normal usage, could be in a specific context of suppressing growth)
  73. 勉危 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:勉强而危险 - 英语含义:strenuously dangerous, dangerously forced
  74. 勉威 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:勉强的威严 - 英语含义:forced authority, strained prestige
  75. 勉微 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:勉强而细微 - 英语含义:faintly forced, barely noticeable and strained
  76. 勉为 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:勉强作为 - 英语含义:reluctantly act as, force oneself to become
  77. 勉维 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:勉力维持 - 英语含义:strive to maintain, barely sustain
  78. 勉违 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:勉强违背 - 英语含义:force oneself to disobey, reluctantly violate
  79. 勉围 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:勉强包围 - 英语含义:weak encirclement, loosely surrounded
  80. 勉唯 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:勉强只是,勉强算是 - 英语含义:barely only, reluctantly just, just barely
  81. 勉位 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强的职位 - 英语含义:reluctant position, forced seat
  82. 勉未 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强尚未 - 英语含义:barely not yet, not quite yet
  83. 勉味 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强的味道 - 英语含义:forced taste, strained flavor
  84. 勉卫 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强保卫 - 英语含义:feebly defend, weakly guard
  85. 勉谓 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强称作 - 英语含义:barely call it, force oneself to name it
  86. 勉喂 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强喂养 - 英语含义:force oneself to feed, reluctant feeding
  87. 勉畏 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强畏惧 - 英语含义:reluctantly fear, forced respect
  88. 勉胃 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强的胃 (指胃功能不佳或勉强进食) - 英语含义:weak stomach (poor stomach function or forced eating)
  89. 勉尉 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强担任尉官 - 英语含义:reluctantly take up post as commandant, forced into officer role
  90. 勉蔚 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:勉强茂盛 - 英语含义:strained flourishing, barely thriving
  91. 缅危 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:缅怀危险 - 英语含义:recall danger, remember peril
  92. 缅威 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:缅怀威严 - 英语含义:remember power, recall prestige
  93. 缅微 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:缅怀细微 - 英语含义:remember details, recall small matters
  94. 缅为 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:缅怀过去的行为 - 英语含义:recall past actions, reminisce about being
  95. 缅维 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:缅怀维护 - 英语含义:remember maintenance, recall upkeep
  96. 缅违 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:缅怀违背 (指对过去的错误或违背的后悔或反思) - 英语含义:remember violations (regret or reflect upon past mistakes)
  97. 缅围 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:缅怀包围 - 英语含义:recall encirclement, remember surrounding
  98. 缅唯 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:缅怀过去仅仅 - 英语含义:recall only of past, remember just merely of bygone times
  99. 缅位 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀职位 - 英语含义:remember position, recall rank
  100. 缅未 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀尚未发生 - 英语含义:recollect not yet happened, think back on the unfulfilled
  101. 缅味 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀味道 (可能是指对过去某种经历或感觉的回味) - 英语含义:recollect flavor (remember taste or feeling from the past experience)
  102. 缅卫 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀保卫 - 英语含义:remember defense, recall protection
  103. 缅谓 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀称谓 - 英语含义:recall names, remember appellations
  104. 缅喂 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀喂养 (可能指回忆过去被养育或照顾的经历) - 英语含义:remember feeding (reminisce on past nurture or being cared for)
  105. 缅畏 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀畏惧 - 英语含义:recall fear, remember dread
  106. 缅胃 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀胃部 (可能指对过去某种胃部不适或疾病的记忆) - 英语含义:recall stomach (remember past stomach discomfort or illness)
  107. 缅尉 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀尉官的经历 - 英语含义:remember past as commandant, recall officer experience
  108. 缅蔚 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:缅怀茂盛 - 英语含义:remember flourishing, recall luxuriance
  109. 丏危 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:遮蔽危险 - 英语含义:shield danger, cover peril
  110. 丏威 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:遮蔽威严 - 英语含义:conceal authority, screen power
  111. 丏微 (miǎn wēi) - 字面含义:遮蔽细微 - 英语含义:hide triviality, obscure details
  112. 丏为 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:遮蔽行为,作为遮蔽 - 英语含义:shield action, act as a cover
  113. 丏维 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:遮蔽维护 - 英语含义:cover maintenance, screen upkeep
  114. 丏违 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:遮蔽违背 - 英语含义:hide violation, screen disobedience
  115. 丏围 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:遮蔽包围 - 英语含义:conceal encirclement, shield surrounding
  116. 丏唯 (miǎn wéi) - 字面含义:遮蔽唯一 - 英语含义:screen the only, conceal the single one
  117. 丏位 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽位置 - 英语含义:hide position, screen location
  118. 丏未 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽未来 - 英语含义:screen future, conceal the yet to come
  119. 丏味 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽味道 - 英语含义:hide taste, obscure flavor
  120. 丏卫 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽守卫 - 英语含义:screen guard, shield protection
  121. 丏谓 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽称谓 - 英语含义:conceal name, obscure designation
  122. 丏喂 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽喂养 - 英语含义:screen feeding, conceal nurturing
  123. 丏畏 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽畏惧 - 英语含义:hide fear, conceal dread
  124. 丏胃 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽胃部 - 英语含义:cover stomach, shield abdomen
  125. 丏尉 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽尉官 - 英语含义:screen commandant, conceal officer
  126. 丏蔚 (miǎn wèi) - 字面含义:遮蔽茂盛 - 英语含义:screen flourishing, hide luxuriance
  127. 面危 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:面对危险 - 英语含义:face danger, confront peril
  128. 面威 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:面对威严 - 英语含义:face authority, confront prestige
  129. 面微 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:表面细微,细微的方面 - 英语含义:surface slightness, minute aspect
  130. 面为 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:表面上是,作为表面 - 英语含义:on the surface being, as surface
  131. 面维 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:表面的维护,在...方面维护 - 英语含义:surface maintenance, maintenance on aspect of
  132. 面违 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:表面违背 - 英语含义:surface violation, outward disobedience
  133. 面围 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:表面包围 - 英语含义:surface encirclement, surrounding externally
  134. 面唯 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:表面上只有,只是表面 - 英语含义:on the surface only, just the surface
  135. 面位 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面位置,面向位置 - 英语含义:surface position, facing location
  136. 面未 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面尚未,表面还没 - 英语含义:surface not yet, haven't reached surface yet
  137. 面味 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面的味道,味道的方面 - 英语含义:surface taste, flavor aspect
  138. 面卫 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面守卫 - 英语含义:surface guard, external defense
  139. 面谓 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面上称作,方面称为 - 英语含义:superficially called, in aspect termed
  140. 面喂 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面喂养,面对喂养 - 英语含义:surface feeding, facing the feeding
  141. 面畏 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面畏惧,面对畏惧 - 英语含义:surface fear, confront dread
  142. 面胃 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面胃部,胃的表面 (可能指胃的外部区域或症状) - 英语含义:surface stomach (outer area or symptom related to stomach)
  143. 面尉 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面的尉官,面对尉官 - 英语含义:surface commandant, facing the officer
  144. 面蔚 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:表面茂盛,面向茂盛 - 英语含义:surface luxuriance, facing the flourishing
  145. 麵危 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:面条的危险 - 英语含义:noodles danger, peril for noodles
  146. 麵威 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:面条的威严 - 英语含义:power of noodles, noodle prestige
  147. 麵微 (miàn wēi) - 字面含义:细小的面条 - 英语含义:tiny noodles, minute noodles
  148. 麵为 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:作为面条,为了面条 - 英语含义:as noodles, for noodles
  149. 麵维 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:面条的维护 - 英语含义:noodles maintenance, upkeep of noodles
  150. 麵违 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:面条违背 (不符合面条的特性,如煮烂的面条) - 英语含义:noodles violate (against the nature of noodles, e.g., overcooked noodles)
  151. 麵围 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:面条包围 - 英语含义:noodles surround, noodles encircle
  152. 麵唯 (miàn wéi) - 字面含义:只有面条,仅仅是面条 - 英语含义:only noodles, just noodles
  153. 麵位 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条的位置 - 英语含义:location of noodles, place for noodles
  154. 麵未 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条还未 (指面条还没煮好或做好) - 英语含义:noodles not yet (not cooked/made yet)
  155. 麵味 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条的味道 - 英语含义:taste of noodles, noodle flavor
  156. 麵卫 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条的保卫 (可能是比喻对食物的保护) - 英语含义:defense of noodles (metaphorically protecting food)
  157. 麵谓 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:称作面条 - 英语含义:called noodles, named noodles
  158. 麵喂 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:喂养面条 (不合理,可能是比喻喂养制作面条的原料或吃面条) - 英语含义:feed noodles (unlikely literal, maybe feeding ingredients for noodles or feeding someone with noodles)
  159. 麵畏 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:畏惧面条 (不太可能,除非对某种面条过敏或不喜欢) - 英语含义:fear noodles (unlikely unless allergic or dislike)
  160. 麵胃 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条胃 (吃太多面条对胃的影响,或是形容面条吃下去的感觉) - 英语含义:noodles stomach (effect of too many noodles on stomach or feeling of eating noodles)
  161. 麵尉 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条尉 (不太可能指官职,可能是某种面条品种或形状的代称) - 英语含义:noodles commandant (unlikely title, perhaps type or shape of noodles)
  162. 麵蔚 (miàn wèi) - 字面含义:面条茂盛 (不太可能,除非比喻面条种类繁多或产量丰富) - 英语含义:noodles flourishing (unlikely, metaphor for variety or abundance of noodles)



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